
Bad Fox Motorcycle Club


Cardano Crocs Club


Policy ID:

Who can earn?

  • 2D Fox
  • 2D Motorcycle
  • Bad Key
  • 3D Fox
  • 3D Motorcycle

Staking Method

Non Custodial

How to earn?

  1. Connect your wallet to cPortal.
  2. Navigate to the Wallet page.
  3. Send/deposit your Living Lands to the custodial wallet.
  4. Navigate to the NFT Staking tab.
  5. Select your Living Lands and stake your NFTs.

How much can be earned?

Level 1: 300 $C4 per 1 (eligible) NFT,
Level 2: 330 $C4 per 1 (eligible) NFT,
Level 3: 360 $C4 per 1 (eligible) NFT,
Level 4: 390 $C4 per 1 (eligible) NFT,
Level 5: 420 $C4 per 1 (eligible) NFT,
every month.